


















1. 永久會員入會基金$5/=

2. 永久會費$50/=



正會長                        1

副會長                        3

財政正副                    :各1

總務正副                    :各1

查賬                            2

工商組主任正副        :各1

福利組主任正副        :各1

烹飪組主任正副        :各1

中英文書                    :各1

婦女組代表                :各2

巴生代表                    2

理事                            6



1. 正會長:



2. 副會長:



3. 財政:



4. 副財政:



5. 正總務:



6. 副總務:



7. 工商組主任:



8. 副工商組主任:



9. 正福利組主任:



10. 副福利組主任:



11. 中文書:



12. 英文書:



13. 烹飪組主任:



14. 副烹飪主任:



15. 正查賬:



16. 副查賬:



17. 吧生埠代表:



18. 婦女組代表:















(1) 不得在行內吸食鴉片。

(2) 不得攜帶娼妓或不端正之婦女入行內。

(3) 凡我行友務宣安份守業,不得在行內打架生端。



(1) 凡本行行友應繳納基本金證書,徽章,月捐,紀念等費。倘遇行友不幸仙遊應親臨執紼。

(2) 凡行友失業之時,須向總務報告,以便通知各行友介紹職業以盡行友之義務。

(3) 凡本行當屆職員應盡該屆職責。如遇行友結婚,該行友要求幫助者,應本互助之精神協助一切。

(4) 倘離開本行所轄者,不用繳納一切費用若經返回所轄地復業者當必照常繳納。

(5) 凡行友有遺失證書徽章者,須要向總務報告,另行領取,但須補繳證書徽章費壹元。

(6) 凡行友遇本行紀念及喜慶事,必須佩帶徽章以示識別。













The Rules of Persatuan Restoran Selangor Dan Wilayah Persekutuan Ku Su Shin Choong Hung


1. Name of the Guild

Persatuan Restoran Selangor Dan Wilayah Persekutuan Ku Su Shin Choong Hung.


2. Address

The guild is now at No. 2A, Lorong Brunei Tiga, Off Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur.


3. Objects

The objects of the Guild are to promote co-operation and goodwill between the workers and employers to strive for the recreation and welfare of fellow traders of eating shop and restaurants.


4. Membership

Life-membership is restricted to persons carry on the business of eating shop, tea shop and restaurants in the State of Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan. Their staff and fellows workers who are willing to abides by the rules and regulations of the Guild.


5. Procedure for Admission

An applicant who wishes to join the Guild must be introduced by a member of the Guild and seconded by another. His age must not be more than 55 years and he must be an employee or a partner of a shop of certain fellow business. He shall first fill in an application form for admission which must be posted up in a conspicuous place in the Guild a full period of three months. When there is no opposition he shall than pay his contribution. He will than be recognized as a regular member enjoying all the privileges of the Guild.


6. Subscription

(a) An entrance fee of RM. 5.00 once only.

(b) A fee of RM. 50.00 for life-membership.


7. Office Bearers

The Guild shall have:-






Welfare Officer


Vice President


Asst. Welfare Officer




Cooking Instructor


Asst. Treasurer


Asst. Cooking Instructor


General Secretary


Chinese Correspondence Officer


Asst. Gen. Secretary


English Correspondence Officer


Trade & Industries Officer


Women Section Representative


Asst. Trade & Industries Officer


Klang Representative




Committee Members


Asst. Auditor


Reserve Committee Members



The powers of the office-bearers are:-

(a) The president shall be in charge of the external affairs of the Guild. He manages and controls all the affairs of the Guild. He has the power to admit or dismiss members of the Guild. He is empowered to approve expenditure up to the extent of RM 5,000/= per item. He presides as Chairman of all Annual General Meeting and Committee meeting.


(b) The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in managing all the affairs of the Guild and shall act for him when he is absent. The President shall appoint any one of the Vice-President to act for him when is on leave or absent.


(c) The Treasurer controls the funds of the Guild and draws up monthly statement of account for submission to the Board of Committee and yearly balance sheet for auditing and endorsement by the Board of Committee and there after for approval in the Annual General Meeting. All payment received shall from time to time be placed forth with into such bank account operated in the name of the Guild and as directed by the Board of Committees. All Cheques issued out of the Guild’s bank account shall be signed by the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer and countersigned by the President and the General Secretary. The Treasurer shall keep petty of an amount not exceeding RM. 500/=.


(d) The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and act for him during his absence.


(e) The General Secretary shall carry out the instruction of the President. He shall manage all affairs of the works of the employees of the Guild. He shall assist the President in convening meeting and he shall attend all the meetings and he shall attend all meeting of the Guild in accordance with his own jurisdiction. He may speak in all meetings but he shall have no voting right, He shall approve the monthly expenditure and expenditure of an account not exceeding RM 2,000/= per item. He shall keep and update records of the members of the Guild.


(f) The Assistant General Secretary shall assist the General Secretary and act for him during his absence.


(g) The Trade and Industries Officer deal with matters relating to trade and industries.


(h) The Assistant Trade and Industries Officer shall assist the Trade and Industries Officer and act for him during his absence.


(i) The Welfare Officer deals with matters concerning welfare and liaison.


(j) The Assistant Welfare Officer shall assist the Welfare Officers and act for him during his absence.


(k) The Chinese Correspondence Officers handles correspondence and documents written in Chinese and records minutes of meetings.


(l) The English Correspondence Officers handles correspondence and documents written in English and records minutes of meetings.


(m) The Cooking Instructor shall have charge and conduct cooking classes and works pertaining thereto.


(n) The Assistant Cooking Instructor shall assist the Cooking Instructor in his duties.


(o) The Auditor shall audit and endorse the monthly and yearly accounts of the Guild.


(p) The Assistant Auditor shall assist the Auditor and act for him during his absence.


(q) The Klang Representatives shall represent the Guild in Klang and shall like wise represent fellow businessmen from Klang in all meetings convened by the Guild.


(r) The Women Section Chairman shall be responsible for organizing and managing the affairs and activities of the women section of the Guild.


8. Election

All members of the Guild shall have the right to vote or to stand for election for the office. Election shall be held before the end of May in the Guild’s Annual General Meeting in which (40) members shall be elected. Such elected members shall within (10) days thereafter elect among themselves (27) office-bearers for the various offices. The remaining (13) members shall be retained as reserve committee members. Those office-bearers so elected shall swear in and take over the office of the out-going office-bearers (10) days after such re-election. Election shall be carried out by ballots ___________ the name of the voter and that of the candidate. An election committee shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting to conduct matters relating to the election. The tenure of the office-bearers shall be two (2) years.


9. Meeting

A general meeting of members shall be held once in 3 months for the purpose of reporting 3 months’ accounts and reviewing the past working result. A committee meeting shall be held once every month. In case of special matters 2 meeting may be called at any time. In a committee meeting if an office-bearer is absent three times, he shall be dismissed from his appointment. The vacancy shall be filled by the current year reserve who gets the highest numbers of votes. The quorum for a general meeting is 21 persons and for a committee meeting 13 persons. One week’s previous notice for a general meeting and 3 days’ previous notice for a committee meeting. In case of special matters and extraordinary general meeting may be called at any time. When there is any matter for improvement of the Guild, 10 members may jointly sign a letter asking for an extraordinary general meeting at which one of the tens must be appointed to represent them in order that he may be consults for action.


10. Regulating Conduct

When a member of the Guild disobeys its rules, he will be first warned by a letter asking him to amend and report. If he still fail to abbey, two office-bearers will be sent to advice him personally. If still fails to obey the advice, the committee will request the general meeting to dismiss him from membership and cancel all his privileges.


11. Prohibitory Rules

(a) Members are not allowed to smoke opium in the premises of the Guild.

(b) Members are not allowed to bring prostitute and women of bad character into the Guild.

(c) A members of the Guild must be peaceful and law abiding. They shall not fight within the premises of the Guild and cause trouble. The guild shall not interface with any litigation in court.


12. Duties

(a) A member of the Guild shall pay entrance fees; fees for membership certificate, badges and anniversary celebrations, monthly subscriptions. When a member unfortunately dies, they must attend the funeral personally.

(b) When a member loses employment, he must make a report to the General Secretary in order that other members may be informed and introduce work to him, so as to fulfill the object of mutual assistance and to do the duty as a member.

(c) An Office-bearer of a certain year must do the officer’s duty of the year. In case of a member’s marriage and request is made by him for help, they shall give all assistance in the spirit of mutual help.

(d) When a member has gone back to his country or has left the place within the control of the Guild, there is no need for him to pay all the subscriptions. On his return to the place under the control of the Guild and resumption of employment, he shall continue to pay as usual.

(e) When a member loses his membership certificates or badge he must make a report to the General Secretary s that the loss may be replaced by another one on payment of a fee of $1/-.

(f) During the anniversary celebrations of the Guild and on happy occasions members must wear badges so as to distinguish them from others.


13. Feast During Festivals

The 10th of the 5th Moon is the anniversary celebration, the 10th of the 12th Moon is the annual “Friendly Gathering”, the annual Spring and Autumn Sacrificial Offering. The Spring Offerings falls on Chin Ming festival and the Autumn Offering falls on the 15th of the 7th Moon. The Anniversary Celebration day is a day of whole day holiday for members. On the days of Annual “Friendly Gathering” of the Spring and the Autumn Offerings members stop work at night. When the time arrive whether feast are to be given or not it shall be decided by a meeting according to circumstances. The preparation of feast shall be done in rotation (by members). There shall be no dispute.


14. Property in Trust

If the time at any time acquire any immovable property, such property shall be vested in trust subject to a declaration of trust. Any trustee may at any time resign his trusteeship. If a trustee dies or become a lunatic or of unsound mind or removes permanently or is absent from the State of Selangor for a period of one year, he is deemed to have resigned his trusteeship. If a trustee is guilty of misconduct of such kind as to render it undesirable that he should continue as a trustee, a general meeting may remove him from his trusteeship. Vacancies in the trusteeship may be fill at a general meeting, but ao that the number shall not be greater than five or less than two. Notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his trustee or to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given by fixing in the premises of the Guild a document containing such proposal at least two weeks before the meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. The result of such meeting shall then be notified to the Registrar of Societies for approval.


15. Dissolution of The Guild

The Guild shall not be dissolved unless such dissolution has been passed by a majority of members in a general meeting of members of the Guild. Notice containing date, place and the objects of the meeting must be send out at least 3 weeks before the meeting for the information of members.

When the Guild is to be dissolved through its own decision, all the legal liabilities incurred must first be paid and the balance shall either be divided among the members according to the decision of majority of members by votes.


16. By Laws

If any of the rules is not in order, it may be amended at a general meeting. The amendments, after having been decided, must be submitted to the Registrar of Societies and approved by him before they are enforced.


Note: These Regulations have been approved by Registrar of Societies by 27th December, 1993.

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